Mission, Purpose, and Goal
This Association shall exist through the power of The Holy Spirit to equip the local church in walking out their faith in Christian love, in order that she might advance the mandate of the Kingdom of Christ, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to edify the body of Christ; to sustain its worship, ordinance, disciplines and doctrines; and by training her to support ministry, the expenses of the church and association; the relief of the poor both here and abroad; and the spread of the gospel.
Rev. William Watson
Rev. William Watson is Moderator of the Brown's Creek District Association of Churches. As overseer, his role is to guide the direction of the District through the utilization of Biblical study, Christian Education, leadership training, as well as the incorporation of technology designed to keep the member churches atuned tot he impact of societal influences that can distract from the primary purpose and goal of the local church. Rev. Watson also serves as the pastor of the Historic First Baptist Church in Jackson, TN.
Rev. Reginald Currie
Rev. Reginald Currie is Vice Moderator of the Brown's Creek District Association of Churches. As with Moderator Watson, Vice Moderator Currie's role is to assist in guiding the direction of the District through the utilization of Biblical study, Christian Education, leadership training, and the incorporation of technology designed to keep the member churches atuned to the impact of societal influences that can distract from the primary purpose and goal of the local church. Rev. Currie also serves as the pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church in Jackson, TN.