Theme: Building Churches One Ministry at a time, One Member at a Time" Matthew 7:24-26 and Nehemiah 1


It is my profound honor and privilege to welcome you to this year's congress, united under the inspirint theme: "Buiding Churches One Ministry at a Time, One Member at a Time." As we prepare to gather, let us draw strength and wisdom from the sacred scriptures that guide our mission --Matthew 7:24-26 and Nehemiah 1.

In the Gospel of Matthew, we are reminded of the importance of laying a solid foundation: "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it has its foundation on the rock." These verses call us to build our ministries o the enduring truth of Christ's teachings, ensuring that each ministry and each member stands firm, even admidst life's storms.

Similarly, the book of Nehemiah offers us a powerful narrative of vision, leadership, and community restoration.  Nehemiah's heartfelt prayer and unwavering commitment to rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem reflect our mission--to fortify our churches not just as physical structures, but as vibrant, faith-filled communities.  His example teaches us that with dedication, prayer, and collective effort, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve the extraordinary.

It is with great joy and anticipation that we extend to you an invitation to our 29th Annual Congress of Christian Education, scheduled to take place October 7th-10th virtually and in Person at New St. Luke M. B. Church 1670 North Royal, Jackson, TN.

The Congress of Christian Education has been a cherished tradition in our community, sering as a beacon of knowledge, fellowship, an spiritual growth for all attendees.  This year, we are thrilled to announce a diverse array of classes tailored to meet the needs of adults, children, and youth alike.

For our adult participants, we have curated a series of enriching classes led by esteemed pastors, theologians, and educators.  These sessions will delve into various aspects of Christian living, biblical studies, and practical applications of faith in our daily lives.  Whether you are seeking to deepen your understanding of scripture or looking for guidance in navigating comtemporary challenges, there will be something for everyone.

Our younger attendees are not forgotten.  We have meticously designed engaging and interactive classes speciically catered to children and youth.  These sessions will not only instill foundational biblical principles but also foster a sense of commuity and belonging among our youngest disciples.  Through age-appropriate activities, discussions, and lessons, we aim to empower the next generation to live out their faith boldly and authentically.

Our Annual Congress of Christian Education, Oct 7th-10th, will feature a bonus this year:  nightly worship services will resume!  In addition to our enriching classes for adults, children, and youth, these services will provide a sacred space for communal worship and spiritual renewal.  We can't wait to share this special time with you.  More details coming soon!

Please visit the website for further details regarding the schedule, registration process, and additional information in the coming months.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for your attention, and we eagerly anticipate the privilege of welcoming you to our 28th Annual Congress of Christian Education.

Blessings in Christ
Mrs. Caroly Hulsey, Congress Dean